Fact check: Is Ivan Cornejo dead In Car accident? American singer death hoax debunked

Recently, a shocking rumor has been spreading like wildfire across the internet. It claims that Ivan Cornejo, the young American singer-songwriter renowned for his Mexican music, met with a tragic end in a car accident on June 6, 202This rumor sent shockwaves through the online community, leaving many in disbelief. However, it’s crucial to set the record straight – Ivan Cornejo is alive and well, debunking this unfortunate hoax that started with a single tweet.

The Twitter Twist:

It all began when a Twitter user named Gaby, with the handle @gBaby_md, posted a tweet claiming that Ivan Cornejo had passed away in a car accident. This misleading tweet set off a chain reaction of confusion and worry among fans. But here’s the truth – Ivan Cornejo is very much alive, and there was no car accident. It’s essential to verify information before sharing it online.

The Viral Prank Trend:

In recent times, a peculiar trend has emerged among Gen Z social media users. They’ve been sharing videos of their family members pranking them into believing that their beloved celebrities have died. This trend was initially inspired by a TikTok craze where kids played pranks on their parents regarding the demise of their favorite musicians. One such video, created by Danny Cervantes, who goes by @bdn_danbro, featured a car crash and fake death, causing further confusion. Fortunately, Ivan Cornejo’s music brought him back to life in the video.

A Rising Star’s Journey:

Ivan Cornejo, born in Riverside, California, in 2004, was introduced to the world of music at a tender age. At just 8 years old, he began his musical journey by watching guitar lessons on YouTube, eventually mastering songs like Ritchie Valens’ “La Bamba.” In middle school, heartbreak led him to start writing his own lyrics, as documented in a Billboard story. His music, deeply rooted in Mexican traditions yet influenced by alternative rock, struck a chord with audiences.

Musical Triumphs:

Ivan Cornejo’s debut album, “Alma Vacia,” made waves in 202It not only reached the second spot on the US Billboard Regional Mexican Albums list but also secured the seventh position on the Top Latin Albums chart. This album’s success was driven by Cornejo’s raw and heartfelt lyrics, which earned him a top spot on the Latin Songwriters list in October 2021, according to Billboard.

Critical Acclaim:

The New York Times recognized Ivan Cornejo’s album as one of the best in 2021, further cementing his status as a rising star. Among the tracks, “Está Daada” became a hit with Gen Z, catapulting Cornejo into the limelight. His second album, “Daado,” released in 2022, reached significant heights on the Regional Mexican Albums chart.

Musical Influences:

In an interview with Billboard, Ivan Cornejo credited his friends for introducing him to local Mexican artists like T3R Elemento and Grupo Los De La O a few years ago. He also expressed admiration for Junior H, an artist whose music seamlessly blends Mexican and alternative influences.


My Final Opinion, the rumor of Ivan Cornejo’s tragic demise in a car accident is unequivocally false. The young and talented American singer-songwriter continues to pursue his musical journey, captivating audiences with his unique blend of Mexican roots and alternative rock. It’s a reminder that, in the age of social media, we must exercise caution and verify information before accepting it as truth. Ivan Cornejo lives on, creating music that resonates with fans across the world.
