Cary Grant's Daughter Pushes Back on Rumors That He Was Gay

Cary Grant’s only child, Jennifer Grant, is setting the record straight about her father’s supposed homosexuality.

The actress candidly spoke to Fox News about the matter during an interview last week. Since the prime of his Hollywood career, fans have been speculating that Cary was secretly having affairs with men. Jennifer never saw any evidence of that.

Following the release of her memoir, Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant, Jennifer began getting angry emails from people who accused her of not “standing up for the fact that [her] father was homosexual,” which made her angry because she would have supported Cary either way.

“The truth of the matter is, I never saw anything to indicate that. And had he been homosexual, I absolutely would’ve stood up for it,” she said. “He had gay friends, and there’s just absolutely nothing to be ashamed of there.”

“But I had to speak the truth, which was I saw a very straight male who watched women, was married to women, had me,” she added. “Did he have affairs earlier in life? Perhaps. I don’t know. I wasn’t there to see it. So, I think it might not be a common misconception, but it’s certainly a rumor out there.”

Cary Grant married five times in his life and divorced four times. According to Jennifer and her mother, actress Dyan Cannon, his relationship struggles had nothing to do with his sexuality. Instead, they stemmed back to his childhood with an alcoholic father and mentally ill mother.

Jennifer Grant Praised Cary Grant For Being a ‘Great’ Father’

According to a separate Fox News article, Cary acknowledged that his broken relationship with his mother led to broken romances. At one point, he tried LSD therapy to help him sort through his trauma. He claimed it helped him understand his troubles, but it didn’t necessarily help him process them.

“LSD made me realize I was killing my mother through my relationships with other women,” he said in the documentary Becoming Cary Grant. “I was punishing them for what she had done to me. I was making the mistake of thinking each of my wives was my mother.”

Cannon was Cary Grant’s fourth marriage. After their divorce in 1968, he remained single for over a decade before marrying Barbara Harris in 1981. He remained with her until his death in 1986.

Jennifer shared that he finally found a way of healing by becoming a father, which was something he initially never wanted.

“I think that’s why he retired,” Jennifer shared. “… He was an amazing actor, and he devoted himself to his career. And when he decided to be a father, he sort of took that hat off and put on the parent hat.”

“He just devoted himself entirely to [parenthood],” she added. “But I think part of that [was] out of fear of doing it badly, somehow messing it up. I’m here to say he did not. He did a great job.”
