Lady Antebellum - American Honey Lyrics Meaning


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Jan 12th 2021 !⃝

A young, innocent small-town girl who had a slow, simple life. Life was kind to her, and she cherished it; yet, something in her also wanted to go out and see the world outside of her comfort zone. Years go by and “real life” finally happened to her. It was during such times when she misses her innocent, blissful days the most, only resorting to reminiscing the past and wishing she can go back and be that young and innocent small-town girl that she once was; at least, once more because there was “nothing sweeter than summertime” and the golden memories she can now only hold near and dear to her heart.

Anyone can relate to such a message when you were once innocent and blissful, not caring about and carrying the world’s problems. All of a sudden, life happens and you have seen and known more than you wanted, and you can only wish you can still find that child in you to restore what once was a beautiful world you knew.
