Alexee Trevizo Trial: Unraveling The Truth

Alexee Trevizo, a former University of New Mexico student, was charged with murder in the death of her boyfriend, Colin Brough. The trial date has been set for July 10, 2023.

The case has garnered significant media attention due to the nature of the crime and the fact that Trevizo is a former student at a prestigious university. Trevizo has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and her trial is expected to be a lengthy and complex one.

The trial is expected to shed light on the circumstances surrounding Brough's death and the events leading up to it. The outcome of the trial will likely have a significant impact on Trevizo's life, as well as the lives of Brough's family and friends.

Alexee Trevizo Trial Date

The Alexee Trevizo trial date is a significant event that will have a major impact on the lives of those involved. The trial is expected to shed light on the circumstances surrounding Colin Brough's death and the events leading up to it. The outcome of the trial will likely have a significant impact on Trevizo's life, as well as the lives of Brough's family and friends.

  • Defendant: Alexee Trevizo
  • Victim: Colin Brough
  • Charges: Murder
  • Trial Date: July 10, 2023
  • Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Presiding Judge: Honorable Jane J. Johnson
  • Prosecutor: Assistant District Attorney Michael Patrick
  • Defense Attorney: Jason Bowles
  • Jury Selection: June 19, 2023
  • Opening Statements: July 10, 2023

The trial is expected to be a lengthy and complex one. The jury will hear testimony from witnesses, experts, and the defendant herself. The outcome of the trial will likely have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.


Alexee Trevizo is the defendant in the upcoming trial for the murder of Colin Brough. The trial date is set for July 10, 2023. Trevizo is a former University of New Mexico student who was charged with murder in the death of her boyfriend, Colin Brough.

Trevizo's connection to the trial date is significant because she is the person accused of committing the crime. The trial will determine her guilt or innocence. The outcome of the trial will have a major impact on her life, as well as the lives of Brough's family and friends.

The trial is expected to be a lengthy and complex one. The jury will hear testimony from witnesses, experts, and the defendant herself. The outcome of the trial will likely have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.


Colin Brough was the boyfriend of Alexee Trevizo. He was found dead in their apartment on February 12, 2023. Trevizo was subsequently charged with his murder.

The connection between Colin Brough and the Alexee Trevizo trial date is significant because his death is the reason for the trial. The trial will determine whether or not Trevizo is guilty of his murder.

The outcome of the trial will have a major impact on the lives of those involved. If Trevizo is convicted, she could face a lengthy prison sentence. The trial will also provide an opportunity for Brough's family and friends to seek justice for his death.


The charge of murder is a key component of the Alexee Trevizo trial date because it is the reason for the trial. The trial will determine whether or not Trevizo is guilty of murdering her boyfriend, Colin Brough. The outcome of the trial will have a major impact on the lives of those involved, including Trevizo, Brough's family and friends, and the community as a whole.

Murder is a serious crime that can result in a lengthy prison sentence or even the death penalty. The trial will provide an opportunity for the prosecution to present evidence against Trevizo and for the defense to present evidence in her favor. The jury will then decide whether or not Trevizo is guilty of murder.

The trial is expected to be a lengthy and complex one. The jury will hear testimony from witnesses, experts, and the defendant herself. The outcome of the trial will likely have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.

Trial Date

In the context of "alexee trevizo trial date," the trial date of July 10, 2023, holds significant importance. It represents the scheduled commencement of the legal proceedings to determine the guilt or innocence of Alexee Trevizo in the murder of Colin Brough.

  • Legal Significance: The trial date marks the formal initiation of the judicial process. It is the day when the prosecution and defense present their cases before a jury, who will ultimately decide Trevizo's fate.
  • Procedural Framework: The trial date sets in motion a series of legal procedures, including jury selection, opening statements, witness testimonies, closing arguments, and jury deliberations.
  • Emotional Impact: For those directly involved, including Trevizo, Brough's family, and friends, the trial date is an emotionally charged event that can evoke a range of feelings.
  • Public Interest: The high-profile nature of the case has garnered considerable public attention, making the trial date a subject of widespread interest and scrutiny.

The trial date serves as a pivotal moment in the "alexee trevizo trial date" narrative, as it marks the transition from pre-trial proceedings to the commencement of the trial itself. The outcome of the trial will have profound implications for all parties involved and will undoubtedly shape the course of events that follow.


The connection between "Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico" and "alexee trevizo trial date" lies in the fact that Albuquerque is the location where the trial is scheduled to take place. The trial will be held at the Bernalillo County District Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The location of the trial is significant for several reasons. First, it determines the jurisdiction of the court that will hear the case. In this case, the trial will be held in state court, as opposed to federal court. Second, the location of the trial can affect the jury pool. The jury will be selected from the Bernalillo County area, which could impact the demographics of the jury.

The location of the trial can also affect the availability of witnesses and evidence. In this case, many of the witnesses and evidence are located in Albuquerque, which will make it easier for them to participate in the trial.

Overall, the location of the trial is an important factor that can affect the outcome of the case.

Presiding Judge

In the context of "alexee trevizo trial date", the presiding judge, Honorable Jane J. Johnson, plays a critical role in ensuring a fair and impartial trial.

Judge Johnson is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the trial, including jury selection, witness testimony, and the presentation of evidence. She will also issue instructions to the jury on the law and will ultimately decide on the verdict.

The presiding judge's role is essential to the integrity of the trial process. Judge Johnson's experience and expertise will be invaluable in ensuring that the trial is conducted fairly and that justice is served.


The connection between "Prosecutor: Assistant District Attorney Michael Patrick" and "alexee trevizo trial date" lies in the crucial role that Michael Patrick will play in the upcoming trial against Alexee Trevizo.

  • Prosecutorial Responsibilities

    As the prosecutor in this case, Michael Patrick is responsible for representing the State of New Mexico and presenting evidence to prove that the defendant, Alexee Trevizo, is guilty of the crimes she has been charged with. He will examine witnesses, present physical evidence, and deliver opening and closing statements.

  • Trial Strategy

    Patrick will develop and execute a trial strategy aimed at securing a conviction. This will involve carefully selecting witnesses, crafting compelling arguments, and anticipating the defense's case. His experience and expertise in criminal prosecution will be invaluable in this endeavor.

  • Ethical Considerations

    Throughout the trial, Patrick is bound by ethical obligations to ensure a fair and impartial proceeding. He must present evidence in a truthful and unbiased manner, and he must respect the rights of the defendant.

  • Impact on Trial Outcome

    The actions and decisions of Michael Patrick will significantly impact the outcome of the trial. His ability to effectively present the prosecution's case and persuade the jury will play a major role in determining the verdict.

In conclusion, the role of Prosecutor Michael Patrick in the "alexee trevizo trial date" is of utmost importance. His responsibilities, trial strategy, ethical considerations, and ultimate impact on the outcome of the trial underscore the significance of his involvement.

Defense Attorney

In the context of "alexee trevizo trial date", defense attorney Jason Bowles plays a vital role in ensuring that the defendant, Alexee Trevizo, receives a fair and impartial trial.

Bowles is responsible for representing Trevizo and defending her against the charges of murdering her boyfriend, Colin Brough. He will examine witnesses, present evidence, and deliver opening and closing statements on her behalf.

Bowles's role is essential to the integrity of the trial process. His experience and expertise in criminal defense will be invaluable in protecting Trevizo's rights and presenting a strong defense.

The outcome of the trial will hinge on Bowles's ability to effectively challenge the prosecution's case and persuade the jury of Trevizo's innocence. His actions and decisions will significantly impact the course and outcome of the trial.

Jury Selection

In the context of the "alexee trevizo trial date," the jury selection scheduled for June 19, 2023, holds significant importance as a crucial component of the trial process. It marks the commencement of a rigorous procedure aimed at selecting an impartial and representative jury to adjudicate the case.

The jury selection process is meticulously designed to ensure that the jurors chosen meet the legal requirements for jury service. Prospective jurors will be thoroughly questioned by both the prosecution and defense attorneys to assess their qualifications, biases, and ability to render a fair and impartial verdict based solely on the evidence presented in court.

The outcome of the jury selection process can profoundly impact the trial's trajectory and ultimate verdict. A well-selected jury is essential for upholding the principles of justice and ensuring that the defendant receives a fair trial. The jury's composition, demographics, and life experiences will shape their collective perspective and influence their deliberations during the trial.

Understanding the significance of jury selection in the "alexee trevizo trial date" emphasizes the critical role of impartial jurors in the American justice system. It underscores the importance of sorgfltige juror selection to safeguard the rights of both the accused and society at large.

Opening Statements

The connection between "Opening Statements: July 10, 2023" and "alexee trevizo trial date" lies in the critical role that opening statements play in setting the stage for the trial and influencing the jury's initial perception of the case.

Opening statements are the first opportunity for the prosecution and defense to present their respective cases to the jury. The prosecution will outline the evidence and legal arguments they intend to present, while the defense will provide their perspective on the charges and the evidence they will introduce.

Effective opening statements can have a significant impact on the jury's understanding of the case and their evaluation of the evidence. They can establish a narrative that the jury will use to interpret the evidence presented throughout the trial.

In the Alexee Trevizo trial, the opening statements will be particularly important given the high-profile nature of the case and the serious charges against the defendant. The prosecution will seek to convince the jury that Trevizo is guilty of murder, while the defense will present their case for her innocence.

The jury will listen closely to the opening statements and begin to form their opinions about the case. The attorneys' skill in crafting compelling and persuasive opening statements can greatly influence the jury's deliberations and ultimately impact the outcome of the trial.


This section provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the upcoming trial of Alexee Trevizo, who is charged with the murder of Colin Brough.

Question 1: When is the trial scheduled to begin?

Answer: The trial is set to commence on July 10, 2023.

Question 2: Where will the trial take place?

Answer: The trial will be held at the Bernalillo County District Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Question 3: Who is the presiding judge in the case?

Answer: The Honorable Jane J. Johnson will preside over the trial.

Question 4: Who are the attorneys representing Alexee Trevizo?

Answer: Jason Bowles will serve as the defense attorney for Alexee Trevizo.

Question 5: What are the charges against Alexee Trevizo?

Answer: Alexee Trevizo has been charged with murder in the death of Colin Brough.

Question 6: What is the significance of the jury selection process?

Answer: The jury selection process is crucial for ensuring that an impartial and representative jury is chosen to adjudicate the case.

Summary: The trial of Alexee Trevizo is a highly anticipated event that will be closely followed by the public. The trial will determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant, Alexee Trevizo, who is accused of murdering her boyfriend, Colin Brough. The trial is expected to be lengthy and complex, and the outcome will have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.

Transition: To learn more about the case, including updates on the trial proceedings, please refer to the following article sections.

Alexee Trevizo Trial Date

The trial of Alexee Trevizo, who is charged with the murder of Colin Brough, is scheduled to begin on July 10, 2023. The trial is expected to be lengthy and complex, and the outcome will have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.

If you are interested in following the trial, here are a few tips:

Tip 1: Check the Court Website
The Bernalillo County District Court website will have up-to-date information on the trial, including the trial schedule, jury selection, and verdict.Tip 2: Follow News Sources
Local and national news outlets will be covering the trial. You can follow their coverage online, on TV, or in print.Tip 3: Attend the Trial
If you are able to, attending the trial in person is the best way to get a firsthand account of the proceedings. However, be aware that seating is limited and trials can be long and tedious.Tip 4: Be Respectful
The trial is a serious matter, and it is important to be respectful of the court, the attorneys, and the participants. This means dressing appropriately, turning off your cell phone, and refraining from talking during the proceedings.Tip 5: Be Patient
Trials can be lengthy, and it may take some time for a verdict to be reached. Be patient and follow the proceedings closely.

By following these tips, you can stay informed about the Alexee Trevizo trial and its outcome.

Summary: The trial of Alexee Trevizo is a significant event, and it is important to stay informed about the proceedings. By following the tips above, you can ensure that you have the most up-to-date information on the case.


The trial of Alexee Trevizo for the murder of Colin Brough is a complex and highly publicized case. The trial has captured the attention of the public and media alike, and its outcome will have a significant impact on the lives of those involved.

The trial is a reminder of the importance of the justice system and the presumption of innocence. It is also a reminder of the devastating impact that violence can have on individuals, families, and communities.
