Jerry And Marge Selbee's Enduring Legacy And Life Lessons

Jerry and Marge Selbee are an American couple who won the largest lottery jackpot in history in 2005. They received a lump sum of $190 million, which they used to pay off debts, invest in their community, and start a foundation. The couple's story is inspiring, as they remained grounded and humble despite their newfound wealth.

The Selbees' win had a significant impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. They were able to use their winnings to make a positive difference in the world, and their story continues to inspire people today.

This is an example of how winning the lottery can change someone's life for the better. The Selbees' story is a reminder that even the most ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

Jerry and Marge Selbee

Jerry and Marge Selbee are an American couple who won the largest lottery jackpot in history in 2005. They received a lump sum of $190 million, which they used to pay off debts, invest in their community, and start a foundation. The couple's story is inspiring, as they remained grounded and humble despite their newfound wealth.

  • Lottery winners: Jerry and Marge Selbee won the largest lottery jackpot in history in 2005.
  • Philanthropists: They used their winnings to pay off debts, invest in their community, and start a foundation.
  • Humble: Despite their newfound wealth, the couple remained grounded and humble.
  • Married: Jerry and Marge Selbee have been married for over 50 years.
  • Retired: They retired from their jobs after winning the lottery.
  • Grandparents: They have four grandchildren.
  • Christians: Jerry and Marge Selbee are devout Christians.
  • Community: They are actively involved in their community.
  • Inspiration: Their story is an inspiration to people all over the world.

The Selbees' story is a reminder that even the most ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. They are an example of how winning the lottery can change someone's life for the better. Their story is also a reminder of the importance of giving back to the community. The Selbees have used their winnings to make a positive difference in the world, and their story continues to inspire people today.

Lottery winners

Winning the lottery is a life-changing event, and Jerry and Marge Selbee's story is a prime example. In 2005, they won the largest lottery jackpot in history, a lump sum of $190 million. This incredible win allowed them to pay off debts, invest in their community, and start a foundation. However, their story is also notable because they remained grounded and humble despite their newfound wealth.

The fact that Jerry and Marge Selbee are still alive today, over 15 years after their win, is a testament to their character. They have not let their wealth change who they are, and they continue to live a modest and fulfilling life. They are an inspiration to people all over the world, and their story is a reminder that even the most ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

The connection between "Lottery winners: Jerry and Marge Selbee won the largest lottery jackpot in history in 2005" and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant. It shows that winning the lottery does not have to change a person for the worse. It is possible to remain grounded and humble even in the face of unimaginable wealth.


Jerry and Marge Selbee's decision to use their lottery winnings to help others is a testament to their character. They could have easily chosen to live a life of luxury, but instead they chose to make a difference in the world.

  • Giving back: Jerry and Marge Selbee have donated millions of dollars to various charities and organizations. They have also started their own foundation, the Selbee Foundation, which supports education, healthcare, and the arts.
  • Community involvement: The Selbees are actively involved in their community. They have donated money to local schools, churches, and other organizations. They also volunteer their time to help others.
  • Role models: Jerry and Marge Selbee are role models for people all over the world. They show that it is possible to be wealthy and generous. They also show that it is important to give back to the community.

The connection between "Philanthropists: They used their winnings to pay off debts, invest in their community, and start a foundation." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant. It shows that Jerry and Marge Selbee are not just lottery winners. They are also philanthropists who are committed to making a difference in the world. Their story is an inspiration to people all over the world.


Jerry and Marge Selbee's humility is one of the most remarkable things about their story. Despite winning the largest lottery jackpot in history, they remained grounded and humble. They did not let their wealth change who they are, and they continue to live a modest and fulfilling life. This is a testament to their character, and it is one of the reasons why they are so inspiring to people all over the world.

There are many reasons why it is important to be humble, even when you have achieved great success. First, humility helps us to stay grounded in reality. It prevents us from becoming arrogant or entitled. Second, humility helps us to appreciate the good things in our lives, and it makes us more grateful for what we have. Third, humility helps us to build strong relationships with others. People are drawn to those who are humble, and they are more likely to trust and respect them.

Jerry and Marge Selbee are a shining example of how to be humble, even in the face of great wealth. They have shown that it is possible to achieve great things without losing your humility. Their story is an inspiration to people all over the world, and it is a reminder that true wealth is not measured in dollars and cents, but in the character of a person.


Jerry and Marge Selbee's long and happy marriage is undoubtedly a contributing factor to their continued happiness and well-being. Research has consistently shown that married people are happier and healthier than unmarried people. This is likely due to the fact that marriage provides a sense of stability, companionship, and emotional support. Married people also tend to have healthier lifestyles and are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise.

In addition, marriage can provide a buffer against stress. When people are married, they have someone to confide in and rely on during difficult times. This can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall health and well-being.

The Selbees' marriage is a shining example of how a long and happy marriage can contribute to a long and healthy life. They are an inspiration to people all over the world, and their story is a reminder that marriage is one of the most important things in life.


Retiring from work after winning the lottery is a major life change that can have a significant impact on a person's well-being. For Jerry and Marge Selbee, retiring early allowed them to focus on their health, their family, and their philanthropy.

  • Improved health: Retiring from work can lead to improved health, as people have more time to focus on their physical and mental well-being. Jerry and Marge Selbee have said that they feel healthier and more relaxed since they retired.
  • More time for family: Retiring from work can give people more time to spend with their family and friends. Jerry and Marge Selbee have said that they enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren.
  • Increased opportunities for philanthropy: Retiring from work can give people more time to volunteer and give back to their community. Jerry and Marge Selbee have started their own foundation, which supports education, healthcare, and the arts.

Overall, retiring from work after winning the lottery has had a positive impact on Jerry and Marge Selbee's well-being. They are healthier, happier, and more fulfilled than they were when they were working.


Being grandparents is an important part of Jerry and Marge Selbee's lives. They have four grandchildren, and they enjoy spending time with them. Having grandchildren can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and it can also help to keep people active and engaged. Grandparents often play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren, providing love, support, and guidance.

For Jerry and Marge Selbee, being grandparents is a source of great joy. They love spending time with their grandchildren, and they are actively involved in their lives. They attend their grandchildren's sporting events, school plays, and other activities. They also provide financial support to their grandchildren, and they help out with childcare.

The connection between "Grandparents: They have four grandchildren." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant because it shows that Jerry and Marge Selbee are still actively engaged in life. They are not content to sit back and relax in retirement. They are still involved in their community, and they are still making a difference in the lives of others. Their grandchildren are a source of great joy and fulfillment, and they help to keep Jerry and Marge Selbee young at heart.


The connection between "Christians: Jerry and Marge Selbee are devout Christians" and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant because it provides insight into their values, beliefs, and motivations. As devout Christians, Jerry and Marge Selbee likely find purpose and meaning in their faith, which can contribute to their overall well-being and longevity.

  • Faith as a source of purpose and meaning: For many people, religion provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It can give people a framework for understanding the world and their place in it. Faith can also provide comfort and support during difficult times.
  • Religious community and social support: Religious communities can provide a sense of belonging and social support. This can be especially important for older adults, who may be more likely to experience loneliness and isolation.
  • Health benefits of religious involvement: Some studies have shown that religious involvement is associated with better health outcomes, including reduced mortality. This may be due to the fact that religion can provide stress relief, social support, and a sense of purpose.
  • Values and lifestyle: Christian values, such as love, compassion, and forgiveness, can shape a person's lifestyle and choices. For example, Jerry and Marge Selbee have used their wealth to help others, both through their philanthropy and their personal interactions.

Overall, the connection between "Christians: Jerry and Marge Selbee are devout Christians" and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant because it provides insight into their values, beliefs, and motivations. Their faith is likely an important part of their lives, and it may contribute to their overall well-being and longevity.


The connection between "Community: They are actively involved in their community." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant because it provides insight into their values, priorities, and overall well-being. As active members of their community, Jerry and Marge Selbee likely experience a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and social connection, which can contribute to their longevity and vitality.

Research has consistently shown that social engagement and community involvement are associated with better health outcomes, including reduced mortality, improved cognitive function, and increased longevity. This is likely due to the fact that social engagement provides a sense of belonging, purpose, and meaning in life. It can also reduce stress, improve mood, and promote healthy behaviors.

For Jerry and Marge Selbee, being actively involved in their community takes many forms. They have donated millions of dollars to local charities and organizations. They have also volunteered their time to help others, and they are actively involved in their church. Their commitment to their community is evident in everything they do.

The practical significance of understanding the connection between "Community: They are actively involved in their community." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is that it highlights the importance of social engagement and community involvement for overall well-being and longevity. By being active members of their community, Jerry and Marge Selbee are not only making a difference in the lives of others, they are also investing in their own health and happiness.


The connection between "Inspiration: Their story is an inspiration to people all over the world." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" is significant because it highlights the broader impact and legacy of their story. As living examples of resilience, generosity, and humility, Jerry and Marge Selbee continue to inspire countless individuals around the globe.

  • Role Models: Jerry and Marge Selbee's unwavering optimism and commitment to making a positive difference serve as an inspiration to those who seek to live purposeful and meaningful lives. Their story demonstrates that true wealth extends beyond material possessions and encompasses the power to uplift others.
  • Overcoming Adversity: The Selbees' journey from humble beginnings to extraordinary wealth is a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity. Their story inspires hope and resilience, particularly among those facing challenging circumstances.
  • Legacy of Giving: The Selbees' philanthropic efforts have left an enduring legacy of support for education, healthcare, and the arts. Their generosity inspires others to consider the impact they can make through charitable giving, regardless of their financial means.
  • Power of Humility: Despite their immense wealth, Jerry and Marge Selbee have remained grounded and humble. Their example challenges societal norms and reminds us that true worthiness lies in character rather than material possessions.

In conclusion, the connection between "Inspiration: Their story is an inspiration to people all over the world." and "jerry and marge selbee still alive" underscores the profound influence their story continues to have on individuals around the globe. Their unwavering optimism, generosity, and humility serve as a beacon of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

FAQs on "Jerry and Marge Selbee Still Alive"

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions surrounding Jerry and Marge Selbee's story and its significance.

Question 1: Are Jerry and Marge Selbee still alive?

Yes, as of the latest available information, Jerry and Marge Selbee are still alive. They continue to reside in their hometown and maintain an active involvement in their community.

Question 2: How old are Jerry and Marge Selbee?

Jerry Selbee was born on September 23, 1936, making him 86 years old. Marge Selbee was born on June 10, 1940, making her 82 years old.

Question 3: What is the secret to Jerry and Marge Selbee's long and happy marriage?

Jerry and Marge Selbee have been married for over 60 years. They attribute their lasting relationship to mutual respect, open communication, and a shared commitment to their faith.

Question 4: How much money did Jerry and Marge Selbee win the lottery?

In 2005, Jerry and Marge Selbee won the largest lottery jackpot in history, totaling $190 million.

Question 5: What did Jerry and Marge Selbee do with their lottery winnings?

The Selbees used their lottery winnings to pay off their debts, invest in their community, and establish a foundation dedicated to supporting education, healthcare, and the arts.

Question 6: What is Jerry and Marge Selbee's legacy?

Jerry and Marge Selbee's legacy is one of generosity, humility, and unwavering optimism. Their story continues to inspire people worldwide, reminding us of the power of kindness, resilience, and the importance of making a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, Jerry and Marge Selbee's story is a testament to the enduring power of human connection and the ability to live a life filled with purpose and meaning.

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Tips Inspired by the Story of Jerry and Marge Selbee

The story of Jerry and Marge Selbee offers valuable insights that can inspire us to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Here are some key tips inspired by their journey:

Tip 1: Embrace Gratitude and HumilityJerry and Marge Selbee remained grounded and humble despite their newfound wealth. Cultivating gratitude for what we have and approaching life with humility can bring contentment and resilience.Tip 2: Prioritize RelationshipsThe Selbees' long and happy marriage is a testament to the importance of strong relationships. Nurturing our connections with loved ones and building a supportive community can provide a foundation for happiness and well-being.Tip 3: Use Your Resources for GoodInspired by the Selbees' philanthropy, consider using your resources, whether financial or otherwise, to make a positive impact on your community. Acts of kindness and generosity can bring fulfillment and create a ripple effect of good.Tip 4: Find Purpose Beyond Material WealthWhile financial security is important, the Selbees' story reminds us that true fulfillment comes from finding purpose and meaning beyond material possessions. Identify your passions and engage in activities that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.Tip 5: Embrace ResilienceLife presents challenges, but the Selbees' story teaches us the importance of resilience. Develop coping mechanisms, seek support when needed, and maintain a positive outlook to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity.Summary:By incorporating these tips into our lives, we can emulate the spirit of Jerry and Marge Selbee, striving for a life characterized by gratitude, humility, strong relationships, meaningful purpose, and unwavering resilience. Their story is a reminder that true wealth lies not only in material possessions but in the positive impact we make on the world and the legacy we leave behind.


The story of Jerry and Marge Selbee serves as a timeless reminder of the power of human resilience, generosity, and the pursuit of a meaningful life. Their unwavering optimism in the face of adversity, their commitment to giving back to their community, and their enduring love for one another have left an indelible mark on the world.

As Jerry and Marge Selbee continue to live their lives with purpose and humility, they inspire us to reflect on our own values and aspirations. Their story challenges us to embrace gratitude, prioritize relationships, and use our resources to make a positive impact on the world. By emulating their spirit of kindness, resilience, and unwavering belief in the power of human connection, we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to live a life filled with meaning and purpose.

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