Thrilling Facts About Kari Byron From MythBusters

Kari Byron never set out to seek fame as a popular TV host. According to Verge, the responsibility was pretty much thrust on her when it became evident the main hosts of the show, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, couldn't produce enough material at the required pace. "MythBusters," after all, was never a show where the hosts just turned up and gawked at things — more often than not, they built the gawk-worthy things themselves. Byron had already helped out with the show, teaming with soon-to-be co-host Tory Belleci behind the scenes. Just a few weeks after she joined the fray, the producers wanted to turn out episodes faster, and pretty much just told Byron, Belleci, and Scottie Chapman (who would later leave and be replaced with Grant Imahara): "Okay, you're hosts now. Go!"

To underline how peculiar this was, none of the original Build Team members had any background in science, and Byron was still a newcomer in the industry. Her co-host Belleci (and later Imahara) had plenty of experience working for special effects titans such as Industrial Light and Magic under his belt, and Chapman (the "Mistress of Metal" on the show) had years of experience as a welder. Still, in a way, it's fitting that the "MythBusters" trio started out the way it proceeded to operate for years: as a strange experiment that somehow worked.
